To have users subscribe to you, you will first need to create a subscription plan.
At this time, as the subscriptions feature rolls out, only select broadcasters will be able to add a subscription plan to their account.
To add a subscription plan, navigate to Subscriptions page on the Peeks website by logging in, tapping your profile picture on the top right and selecting Subscriptions. Switch to the My Offers tab and you will see the subscription plans available and you can select the price you wish to charge for the subscription and click Select Package.
Once your package is set up, users will be able to select the Subscribe option from your profile and subscribe to your account.
To upload content exclusively for subscribers, you can currently upload videos or images from the Create Post screen on the Peeks website. From the audience dropdown, select Subscribers and complete the remaining fields. Only subscribers to your account can see this content and will not have any additional charge to access. If users are not subscribed, they will see the content listed on your profile but will not be able to view it unless they subscribe.
In addition, subscribers will receive a discount on your streams and photo posts if the content has a minimum payment amount. This content won’t be viewable unless the user pays the minimum amount.